Featured content on The Stint includes The Classroom, Nightlife, and Campus Classified Pages as well as Interactive Blogs, Campus Nightlife Hot Spot Ratings, Study Group Creation with Live Document Editing, Updated College News Feeds and Much More!

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Stint: Beta-Stage College Social Net. Already looking toward College Social Empire?

The Stint - Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?... or maybe just a few of those questions answered.

First, I apologize to the readers out there, I know we've been "out to lunch" the past few weeks with no new blog entries.
Since the last post we've been trying to gather as much new information as possible so that we could provide our readers with the most up to date content about The Stint college network. We are happy to say that during this time off we had a few readers offer to join our team to help us gather more inside info about The Stint Network. Thanks to those new members we found more news items than we originally expected.

Where to begin...? Ok New Stuff it is!
As mentioned in our last post, The Stint is a new form of social network that is directed toward a college based audience. What makes it new? The Stint captures the interactive qualities of the typical "social network" but uses those interactive qualities for more than just social interaction. By considering all aspects of "college life" from the perspective of different types of college students, The Stint provides a perfect balance of interaction, entertainment, and information that are centered around COLLEGE.

So What Does This Have To Do With "New Stuff"?...
Plenty! Some recent findings from our newest members indicates that The Stint's creator and possibly some of the websites developers associated with the site are searching for $ A FEW GOOD INVESTORS $ Why? Supposedly, along with building a 1,050+ college database that is dedicated to college students, The Stint's "business plan" calls for an over-haul of services that will be directed guessed it college students. Since we like the website and don't want to get on their bad side, we're not going to publicize the alleged services that The Stint has in store for college students. I will however say that the external business relations and partnerships that are being sought out by The Stint could transform the social info-network into a Social Empire of college services. A saturation of discounted services, perks, and freebies may make some people think about re-enrolling just to take advantage of them. (I personally know of a few that would). Let's just say that if all holds true and the "alleged's" become reality, The Stint will be the next social attraction on the world wide web. With there being over 25 million people going to college in the US, having a network that is dedicated to their daily lives could generate some public attention... yes, it's a reasonable estimation.

Newly Added Colleges

I personally have never heard of these colleges but they do exist - -we Googled them. And now The Stint has added them to their college network platform.

1. Alaska Pacific
2. Antioch University - Los Angeles
3. Louisiana State University Shreveport

To browse through their complete database of colleges you may follow their College Jump link.

Although it may seem impossible to not find your college on The Stint, if you're a college student and encounter this problem The Stint allows you to make a request to have your college added. This takes place within the short registration process. It will ask you to verify your college email address. Once it validates your college email with your college then it will add your college to its database and grant you permission to sign in.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Stint: New Developments

THE STINT - "A Collaboration of Social Networking, Information and Entertainment Connects College Students and Campuses to All Areas of College Life."

The Stint "creates a private network for colleges and universities. College students within the networks (each college or university) can interact through pages that are dedicated to all areas of college life. "

The Nightlife, Classroom and Cam
pus Classifieds
are just a few of the featured pages offered through The Stint
. Each college campus (currently over 1,050 active college campuses in The Stint database) has its own set of featured pages for students to interact on. Example) The Nightlife page features a section called Hot Spots that allows students to list their favorite places for nightlife entertainment on their campus. Students may also vote on places posted by other students and use the Live Nightlife Blog to find out where most of the campus crowd will be each evening.

INTERACTION INFO ~While the pages of each college are available for anyone to see, student interaction and the editing of page content can only be done by students within a college network.

Example: University of North Carolina students can edit the content of pages that are only associated with their college campus but they can view any of the pages at 1,050+ colleges.

In the next
Stint College Blogger . . .

  • Coming Soon Pages
  • Most Active Student Blog Topics
  • Newly Added Colleges
  • Integration of Zoho Creates Flexible Document Editing for The Stint's Study Group Environment.

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